Resort Actions

NgRx Effects

Resort Actions

Create a new directory src/app/state/resort, along with the file src/app/state/resort/resort.actions.ts:

mkdir src/app/state/resort
touch src/app/state/resort/resort.actions.ts

Open the resort.actions.ts file and create an enum with the following members:

  1. SearchResorts
  2. SearchResortsFail
  3. SearchResortsSuccess

Specify a unique string value for each enum member:

export enum ResortActionTypes {
  SearchResorts = '[Resort] Search',
  SearchResortsFail = '[Resort] Search Fail',
  SearchResortsSuccess = '[Resort] Search Success'

Action Classes

Create a class for each action that implements the Action interface:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export class SearchResorts implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActionTypes.SearchResorts;

  constructor(public q: string) {}

export class SearchResortsFail implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActionTypes.SearchResortsFail;

  constructor(public error: Error) {}

export class SearchResortsSuccess implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActionTypes.SearchResortsSuccess;

  constructor(public resorts: Resort[]) {}
  • Each action declares a read-only type property.
  • The SearchResorts action constructor() function requires the user query, which is the string that the user will enter in the application.
  • The SearchResortsFail action will be invoked when an error has ocurred. The error must be specified when creating the action.
  • The SearchResortsSuccess action will be invoked when the HTTP request completes. An array of Resort objects must be specified.

Type Union

Create the ResortActions type:

export type ResortActions =
  | SearchResorts
  | SearchResortsFail
  | SearchResortsSuccess;


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