Sidenav Reducer

Simple Store

Sidenav Reducer

Open the src/app/store/reducers.ts file.

Initial State

Before we create the reducer pure function, let's first declare the initial state for the sidenav.

export const initialSidenavState = {
  opened: false


Now, let's declare the sidenavReducer function:

export const sidenavReducer = (
  state: State = initialSidenavState,
  action: SidenavAction
): State => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case SidenavActionTypes.HideSidenav:
      return {
        opened: false
    case SidenavActionTypes.ShowSidenav:
      return {
        opened: true
      return state;
  • The sidenavReducer function accepts two arguments: the current state, which defaults to the initial state that we declared previously, and the action that is being performed.
  • Note that the return type is a new State object.
  • Within our reducer, we switch on the action.type value.
  • For the SidenavActionTypes.HideSidenav action we return a new object, first with the spread of the current state object, and then we set the hidden property to true.
  • Similarly, the SidenavActionTypes.ShowSidenav action sets the hidden property to false.


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