Create Store

Simple Store

Create a Store

Our first task is to create a store in our simple-store project. All commands assume your current directory is the course directory.

To get started, create a new store directory and create the following files:

  • actions.ts
  • model.ts
  • reducers.ts
  • store.ts
mkdir projects/simple-store/src/app/store
touch projects/simple-store/src/app/store/actions.ts
touch projects/simple-store/src/app/store/models.ts
touch projects/simple-store/src/app/store/reducers.ts
touch projects/simple-store/src/app/store/store.ts

Open the store.ts file.


First, create the Action interface. Each action will be a class that implements this interface, which simply requires the type string property.

export interface Action {
  type: string;

Next, create a ReducerMap interface. This interface will be used to define the reducer functions associated with each property in the state object.

export interface ReducerMap {
  [key: string]: Function;

Finally, create the State interface. This interface represents the state object.

export interface State {
  [key: string]: any;

Store Class

Create a new Store class:

export class Store {
  private state$ = new BehaviorSubject<State>(null);

  constructor(public reducers: ReducerMap, private state: State = {}) {}

  dispatch(action: Action) {

  notify(action: Action) {
    Object.keys(this.reducers).forEach(key => {
      this.state[key] = this.reducers[key](this.state[key], action);

    next: (value: State) => void,
    error?: (error: any) => void,
    complete?: () => void
  ) {
    return this.state$.subscribe(next, error, complete);
  • The state$ property is a new Subject that subscribers can subscribe to.
  • The constructor() function requires a reducers object along with an optional state object, which defaults to an empty Object.
  • The dispatch() method accepts an action and then invokes the notify method and emits a next notification to the state$ subject using the next() method.
  • The notify() method accepts an action and then invokes the reducer() function for each slice of state, updating the state object.
  • The subscribe() method requires a next argument, which is a function that accepts the State and returns void. The error and complete arguments are optional. The method returns a new Subscription to the state$ subject.


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