Sidenav Actions

NgRx Store

Sidenav Actions

If you recall from the Foundations chapter:

  • Actions are at the heart of the redux pattern.
  • Actions are dispatched.
  • Actions describe a state change.

Create Action Types

Create a new directory src/app/state/sidenav, along with the file src/app/state/sidenav/sidenav.actions.ts:

mkdir src/app/state/sidenav
touch src/app/state/sidenav/sidenav.actions.ts

Open the sidenav.actions.ts file and create an enum with the following members:

  1. HideSidenav
  2. ShowSidenav

Specify a unique string value for each enum member:

export enum SidenavActionTypes {
  HideSidenav = '[Sidenav] Hide Sidenav',
  ShowSidenav = '[Sidenav] Show Sidenav'

Action Classes

Create the action classes:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export class HideSidenav implements Action {
  readonly type = SidenavActionTypes.HideSidenav;

export class ShowSidenav implements Action {
  readonly type = SidenavActionTypes.ShowSidenav;
  • Each class represents an action that will be dispatched and change the state of our application.
  • Each class implements the Action interface that requires the type string parameter.

Type Union

Finally, create a type union of each action class:

export type SidenavAction = HideSidenav | ShowSidenav;

Pro Tip: We'll use this new type in our reducer() function to provide type safety for the action argument.


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