Test Reducer

NgRx Testing

Test Sidenav Reducer

Create a test for the sidenav reducer:

  • Assert an unknown action to result in no changes to the state object.
  • Assert the HideSidenav action to result in the opened boolean value set to false.
  • Assert the ShowSidenav action to result in the opened boolean value set to true.

Create a new file at: src/app/state/sidenav/sidenav.reducer.spec.ts

Unknown Action

First assert an unknown action does not mutate the state of our application:

import { initialState, reducer } from './sidenav.reducer';

describe('unknown action', () => {
  it('should return the initial state', () => {
    const action = {type: 'NOOP'} as any;
    const result = reducer(initialState, action);

  • Create an action object with a type string property that is invalid.
  • Execute the reducer() function specifying the initialState and the action.
  • Expect the result to be the initialState object.


Assert the HideSidenav action:

import { HideSidenav } from './sidenav.actions';
import { initialState, reducer } from './sidenav.reducer';

describe('HideSidenav', () => {
  it('should set the opened property to false', () => {
    const action = new HideSidenav();
    const result = reducer(initialState, action);

      opened: false
  • Create the new HideSidenav action.
  • Execute the reducer() function specifying the initialState and the action.
  • Expect the result to equal a new object where the opened value is false.


Assert the ShowSidenav action:

import { HideSidenav, ShowSidenav } from './sidenav.actions';
import { initialState, reducer } from './sidenav.reducer';

describe('ShowSidenav', () => {
  it('should set the opened property to true', () => {
    const action = new ShowSidenav();
    const result = reducer(initialState, action);

      opened: true
  • Create the new ShowSidenav action.
  • Execute the reducer() function specifying the initialState and the action.
  • Expect the result to equal a new object where the opened value is true.

Execute Tests

npm test
yarn test

Or, use watch mode:

npm run test:watch
yarn test:watch

When in watch mode you can:

  • Press a to run all tests.
  • Press f to run only failed tests.
  • Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
  • Press t to filter by a test name regex pattern.
  • Press q to quit watch mode.
  • Press Enter to trigger a test run.


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