Exercise 1: Dialog

NgRx Effects

Exercise: Dialog

To begin, checkout the 05-effects-exercise-1 branch:

git checkout 05-effects-exercise-1

🤫 The solution branch is available if you get stuck.

You can checkout the solution via:

git checkout 05-effects-exercise-1-solution


  • Practice declaring asynchronous actions.
  • Practice declaring a reducer function.
  • Practice declaring projector functions and selectors.
  • Practice declaring an effects class.
  • Practice selecting a slice of data from the state object.
  • Practice dispatching actions.


  1. Create a new directory at src/app/state/dialog.
  2. Create a new file at src/app/state/dialog/dialog.actions.ts.
  3. Declare the following actions: CloseDialogs and OpenDialog. The OpenDialog action should require a ComponentType and an optional MatDialogConfig object in the constructor(). The CloseDialogs action will close all of the open dialogs.
  4. Declare the reducer() function in a new file at src/app/state/dialog/dialog.reducer.ts and update an opened boolean property of the current feature state.
  5. Declare the DialogEffects class and create two effects to open and close the dialog in src/app/state/dialog/dialog/effects.ts.
  6. Add the DialogEffects class to the array of effects defined in the EffectsModule.forRoot() static method in src/app/state/state.module.ts.
  7. Add the dialog feature state in src/app/state/index.ts.
  8. Update the ShellComponent.openDialog() method in src/app/core/shell/shell.component.ts to dispatch the OpenDialog action.


  • While we are updating an opened boolean value in state, we're not going to create any selectors at this time. We could later use this value to determine the application's behavior when a dialog is opened (or not).
  • Use the { dispatch: false } option in the @Effect() decorator to prevent the effect from recursively dispatching the source action.
  • Inject the MatDialog service to open and close dialogs. Refer to the Angular Material documentation for the Dialog.
  • Use the ofType() operator to filter for a specific action.
  • Use the tap() operator to perform a side effect in the sequence of operators in the observable pipe() method.

Try it Out

Use the Redex Devtools to view the [Dialog] Open Dialog action being dispatched:

Dialog Open Action


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