Exercise 2: Close Dialog and Set Zoom

NgRx Effects

Exercise 2: Close Dialog and Zoom

For this exercise let's iterate on improving the search functionality to:

  • Close the search dialog by dispatching the CloseDialogs action when the backdrop is tapped/clicked.
  • Close the search dialog by dispatching the CloseDialogs action when a resort is selected.
  • Hide the sidenav by dispatching the HideSidenav action when a resort is selected.
  • Set the zoom level higher after a resort is selected.

To begin, checkout the 06-effects-exercise-1 branch:

git checkout 06-effects-exercise-2

🤫 The solution branch is available if you get stuck.

You can checkout the solution via:

git checkout 06-effects-exercise-2-solution


  • Practice declaring actions.
  • Practice dispatching actions from an effect.

Step 1: Close Dialog

For the first iteration we want to dispatch the CloseDialogs action when the backdrop is tapped/clicked using an effect:

  1. Remove the { dispatch: false } option in the @Effect decorator for the open effect in src/app/state/dialog/dialog.effects.ts.
  2. Set the disableClose configuration option for the dialog in src/app/state/dialog/dialog.effects.ts. This will disable the default behavior of closing the dialog when the backdrop is tapped/clicked.
  3. Use the switchMap() operator to switch to the projected observable returned from MatDialogRef.backdropClick().
  4. Use the map() operator to return the CloseDialogs action.

For the next iteration we want to dispatch the CloseDialogs action when the SelectResort resort action is dispatched using an effect:

  1. Add a new closeDialogOnSelect property to the ResortEffects class and decorate it using the @Effect decorator in src/app/state/resort/resort.effects.ts.
  2. Use the ofType() operator to filter for the SeletResort action.
  3. Use the map() operator to return the CloseDialogs action.

Step 2: Hide Sidenav

Dispatch the HideSidenav action when the SelectResort action is dispatched using an effect:

  1. Add a new hideSidenavOnSelect property to the ResortEffects class and decorate it using the @Effect decorator in src/app/state/resort/resort.effects.ts.
  2. Use the ofType() operator to filter for the SelectResort action.
  3. Use the map() operator to return the Hidesidenav action.

Step 3: Set Zoom

Dispatch the SetMapZoom action when the SelectResort action is dispatched using an effect:

  1. Add a new setMapZoom property to the ResortEffects class and decorate it using the @Effect decorator in src/app/state/resort/resort.effects.ts.
  2. Use the ofType() operator to filter for the SelectResort action.
  3. Use the map() operator to return the SetMapZoom action.

Try it Out

Use the Redex Devtools to view the [Dialog] Close Dialog action being dispatched:

Dialog Open Action

The [Sidenav] Hide Sidenav and [Map] Set Zoom actions are dispatched when a resort is selected:

Hide Sidenav and Set Zoom Actions


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