Entity Adapter

NgRx Entity

Entity Adapter

The @ngrx/entity stores a collection of entities using two new properties:

  • entities: a dictionary of entities.
  • ids: an array of entity unique identifiers.

Here is an example of a state object using the @ngrx/entity library:

  resort: {
    entities: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        name: 'Breckenridge Ski Resort'
      2: {
        id: 2,
        name: 'Vail'
    ids: [1, 2]

Pro Tip: The advantage to storing entities using this approach is performance. We can avoid iterating through an array to find a particular object (which could be at the end of the array) by quickly accessing the value using the object key.


The EntityState interface defines the two properties: entities and ids in our State object.

Open src/app/state/resort/resort.reducer.ts and update the State interface:

export interface State extends EntityState<Resort> {
  error?: Error | null;
  loading: boolean;
  searchResults: Resort[];
  selectedResortId?: string;
  • The State interface extends the EntityState.
  • Remove the resorts property as we are no longer going to store the resorts in an array and will take advantage of the @ngrx/entity library.

Create adapter

Next, create the entity adapter using the createEntityAdapter method:

export const adapter: EntityAdapter<Resort> = createEntityAdapter<Resort>();
  • We'll get the intial state from the adapter.
  • We'll use the adapter to perform CRUD operators.
  • We'll access the build-in selectors that the adapter provides.

Update initialState

Update the initialState to use the adapter's getInitialState() methos:

export const initialState: State = adapter.getInitialState({
  loading: false,
  resorts: [],
  searchResults: []


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