Collection Methods

NgRx Entity

Collection Methods

The entity adapter provides the following methods for updating the collection in state:

  • addOne: Add an entity to the collection.
  • addMany: Add many entities to the collection.
  • addAll: Replace all entities in the collection with the provided entitites.
  • removeOne: Remove an entity from the collection.
  • removeMany: Remove many entities from the collection.
  • removeAll: Clear the entire collection.
  • updateOne: Update an entity in the collection.
  • updateMany: Update many entities in the collection.
  • upsertOne: Add or Update an entity in the collection.
  • upsertMany: Add or Update many entities in the collection.

Update reducer()

Open src/app/state/resort/resort.reducer.ts and update the reducer case for the SelectResort action:

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: ResortActions): State {
  switch (action.type) {
    // code omitted

    case ResortActionTypes.SelectResort:
      return adapter.addOne(action.resort, {
      return state;
  • We're using the addOne() method to add an entity to the collection.
  • The first argument is the new entity.
  • The second argument is the state object. We use the spread operator to make a shallow clone and update the selctedResortId value.

You can also remove the getResorts() projector function as this is no longer needed.


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