Entity Selectors

NgRx Entity

Entity Selectors

The @ngrx/entity library also provides selectors to access data stored in a collection:

  • selectIds: access the ids array.
  • selectEntities: access the entities dictionary.
  • selectAll: access the ordered array of entities in the collection.
  • selectTotal: access the total (count) of entities in the collection.

Update Resort Selectors

Open src/app/state/index.ts and export the selectors using the adapter's getSelectors() method:

import { adapter as resortAdapter } from './resort/resort.reducer';

export const {
  selectIds: resortIds,
  selectEntities: resortEntities,
  selectAll: resorts,
  selectTotal: totalResorts
} = resortAdapter.getSelectors(resortState);
  • Delete the existing resorts selector and remove the getResorts() projector import.
  • Use object desctructuring to alias the generic selectors returned from the getSelectors() method.
  • Be sure to specify the feature state selector when invoking getSelectors().


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