Resorts Actions

Simple Store

Resort Actions

Let's create some actions for loading resorts.

Open the src/app/store/actions.ts file.

ResortActions Enum

export enum ResortActions {
  LoadResorts = '[resorts] Load',
  LoadResortsFail = '[resorts] Load fail',
  LoadResortsSuccess = '[resorts] Load success'

Action Classes

Next, create three new classes:

  1. LoadResorts
  2. LoadResortsFail
  3. LoadResortsSuccess
export class LoadResorts implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActions.LoadResorts;

export class LoadResortsFail implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActions.LoadResortsFail;

  constructor(public error: Error) {}

export class LoadResortsSuccess implements Action {
  readonly type = ResortActions.LoadResortsSuccess;

  constructor(public resorts: Resort[]) {}
  • The LoadResorts indicates that we are starting to fetch data from the API.
  • The LoadResortsFail action indicates that an error occurred.
  • The LoadResortsSuccess action indicates that the data was retrieved.

Type Union

Finally, create a new type that is a union of the action classes:

export type ResortAction = LoadResorts | LoadResortsSuccess | LoadResortsFail;


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