Update Reducer with Resort Actions

Simple Store

Resort Reducer

Open the src/app/store/reducers.ts file.

Initial State

Declare the initial state for the resort state:

export const initialResortsState = {
  error: null,
  loading: false,
  resorts: []


Declare a reducer pure function that returns a new state object determined by an appropriate action:

export const resortReducer = (
  state: State = initialResortsState,
  action: ResortAction
): State => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ResortActions.LoadResorts:
      return {
        loading: true
    case ResortActions.LoadResortsFail:
      return {
        error: action.error,
        loading: false
    case ResortActions.LoadResortsSuccess:
      return {
        error: null,
        loading: false,
        resorts: action.resorts
      return state;
  • The resortReducer function accepts two arguments: the current state, which defaults to the initial state that we declared previously, and the action that is being performed.
  • Note that the return type is a new State object.
  • Within our reducer, we switch on the action.type value.
  • For the LoadResorts action we return a new state with the loading property set to true. We can use this to toggle a loading indicator.
  • For the LoadResortsFail action we return a new state with the loading property set to false along with an error object.
  • For the LoadResortsSuccess action we return a new state with the loading property set to false along with the resorts array.


For now, we'll be storing the collection of resorts as an array in the state object. We'll learn about the performance impact this might have and why we will use a Dictionary to store a collection of entities when using the @ngrx/entity library.

Update reducers

Open src/app/store/index.ts and specify the new resort property in the state object along with the resortReducer:

const reducers: ReducerMap = {
  resort: resortReducer,
  sidenav: sidenavReducer


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