Sidenav Dispatch

NgRx Store

Sidenav Dispatch

With the opened input binding defined in the template the sidenav is either opened or closed when the value in the state object is updated.

Dispatch Action in Devtools

Let's test the binding using the Redux Devtools.

  1. Serve the application.
  2. Open the Redux Devtools.
  3. Open the dispatch tool.
  4. Specify an action object to be dispatch.
  5. Click the Dispatch button.

Redux Devtools Dispatch Action

The action object for showing the sidenav is:

  type: '[Sidenav] Show Sidenav';

This is the type string that we defined as a member of the SidenavActionTypes enum in src/app/state/sidenav/sidenav.actions.ts.

When the Dispatch button is clicked you should see the sidenav open.

Dispatch Action in ShellComponent

First, open the src/app/core/shell/shell.component.ts file and declare a new openSidenav method:

import { ShowSidenav } from '@app/state/sidenav/sidenav.actions';

export class ShellComponent implements OnInit {
  // code omitted

  openSidenav() { ShowSidenav());
  • Invoke the dispatch() method on the store instance.
  • Specify the ShowSidenav action to be dispatched.
  • Be sure to new-up the ShowSidenav class.

Invoke openSidenav() in Template

Open the src/app/core/shell/shell.component.html template and update the <button> in the <mat-toolbar> to invoke the openSidenav() method defined in the ShellComponent class:

<button class="menu-button" mat-icon-button (click)="openSidenav()">

Open the application in your browser and click the hamburger (menu) button:

Show Sidenav Action

  • When we click the button the sidenav is opened.
  • The Redux Devtools is updated with the "[Sidenav] Show Sidenav" action.
  • A diff of the new state of our application is shown.
  • The opened value is set to true.

Toggle Sidenav

Our Angular Material sidenav behaves differently based on the side of the browser/device:

  • On mobile the sidenav is displayed over the content.
  • On larger than a mobile devices the sidebar pushes the content to the right to display the sidenav on the left.

To get started, open src/app/core/shell/shell.component.ts and declare two new methods:

  1. closeSidenav()
  2. toggleSidenav()
import { HideSidenav, ShowSidenav } from '@app/state/sidenav/sidenav.actions';
import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ShellComponent implements OnInit {
  // code omitted

  closeSidenav() { HideSidenav());

  openSidenav() { ShowSidenav());

  toggleSidenav() {
    this.opened.pipe(first()).subscribe(open => {
      if (open) {
        return this.closeSidenav();
  • The closeSidenav() method dispatches the HideSidenav action.
  • The toggleSidenav() uses the first() operator to only listen to the first notification emitted by the opened observable when the method is invoked.
  • We subscribe() to the notifacation and if the open boolean is true then we invoke the closeSidenav() method otherwise we invoke the openSidenav() method.

Invoke toggleSidenav() in Template

We need to toggle the visibility of the sidenav when either the hamburger (menu) button or the container's backdrop is tapped/clicked.

Open src/app/core/shell/shell.component.html and update the <button> and the <mat-sidenav-container> components to invoke the toggleSidenav() method:

    [mode]="isMobile ? 'over' : 'side'"
    [opened]="opened | async"
    <!-- code omitted -->

    <mat-toolbar color="primary">
      <button class="menu-button" mat-icon-button (click)="toggleSidenav()">
  • Note the backdropClick output binding on the <mat-sidenav-container> component.
  • Note the click output binding on the <button>.

Open the application in your browser and enable the device toolbar. First, specify a width of 960 pixels or greater:

Toggle Sidenav on Non-Mobile Device

Then, specify a width less than 960 pixels:

Toggle Sidenav on Mobile Device

  • You can use the hamburger (menu) button in the toolbar to toggle the visibility of the sidenav on a non-mobile device as well as clicking/tapping the container's backdrop.
  • You can open the sidenav using the hamburger (menu) button in the toolbar and close the sidenav by clicking/tapping the container's backdrop.
  • Note the actions being dispatched in the Redux Devtools.

Pro Tip: Use the rewind and forward buttons or the scrub bar in the Redux Devtools to time travel in your application.


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