Sidenav Select

NgRx Store

Sidenav Select

To recap, we have:

  • Declared two actions: HideSidenav and ShowSidenav.
  • Declared a reducer() function to mutate the state of our application based on the actions dispatched.
  • Declared the sidenav feature state.
  • Declared the sidenavState feature selector and the sidenavIsOpen selector functions.

With our actions, reducer and selectors declared we are ready to implement the behavior in our Angular application.

Shell Component

The Angular application in src/app uses a ShellComponent along with a RouteService class to wrap our application using Angular Material.

The RouteService class is located at src/app/core/services/route.service.ts:

export class RouteService {
  static withShell(routes: Routes): Route {
    return {
      path: '',
      component: ShellComponent,
      children: routes,
      data: { reuse: true }

The withShell() static method returns a new Route object with the ShellComponent as the parent component of the provided routes.

Inject Store

First, we need to use dependency injection to access the Store singleton object.

Open src/app/core/shell/shell.component.ts and update the constructor() function to accept the Store:

import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { State } from '@app/state';

export class ShellComponent {

  constructor(private store: Store<State>) {}

Define opened Property

Next, define a new opened property:

export class ShellComponent {
  opened: Observable<boolean>;

  constructor(private store: Store<State>) {}

The opened property is an Observable whose notifications are boolean values: true if the sidenav is opened and false if the sidenav is closed.

Declare opened

Now, declare the value of the opened property using the State object.

export class ShellComponent implments OnInit {
  opened: Observable<boolean>;

  constructor(private store: Store<State>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.opened =;
  • The Store singleton object is both an Observer and an Observable.
  • Since it is an Observable we can invoke the pipe() method.
  • We use the select() operator from the @ngrx/store module to select a slice of data within the state object.
  • We specify the sidenavIsOpen selector we declared previously.

Review ShellComponent Template

Let's quickly review part of the shell.component.html template:

  [mode]="isMobile ? 'over' : 'side'"
  [opened]="opened | async"
  <!-- code omitted -->
  • The opened input for the <mat-sidenav> component is bound to the opened property we declared in the ShellComponent class.
  • Note the use of the AsyncPipe that subscribes (and unsubscribes) to the opened observable.


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