Exercise 3: Test Effects

NgRx Testing

Exercise 3: Test Effects

Practice writing unit tests for effects.


Create tests for the following effects in src/app/state/resort.resort.effects.spec.ts:

  • hideSidenavOnSelect
  • setMapZoom

For each test:

  1. Declare the action that will be mocked.
  2. Declare the outcome action.
  3. set the action hot observable to emit a next notification of the action to test.
  4. Declare the expected cold observable that emits a next notification of the outcome action.
  5. Expect the effect to be the expected observable.

Challenge: DialogEffects

Create tests for the following effects in src/app/state/dialog/dialog.effects.spec.ts:

  • close
  • open


  • Use the generateResort() function generate a fake Resort object.
  • Use the provideMockActions() function to create a factory function that returns the actions observable.
  • Use the hot() function to create a test hot observable to mock the actions observable.
  • Use the cold() function to create a test cold observable that is the expected observable that is returned from an action.
  • Use the jest.spyOn() method to create spies. Combine this with the mockReturnValue() method for a spy instance to specify the value returned.
  • If the effect does not dispatch an action then subscribe() to the observable and assert the next notification value.


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