Test Effects

NgRx Testing

Test Effects

First, let's quickly review the search effect in src/app/state/resort/resort.effects.ts:

export class ResortEffects {
  search: Observable<Action> = this.actions.pipe(
    ofType < SearchResorts > ResortActionTypes.SearchResorts,
    exhaustMap(action => {
      return this.resortService.search(action.q).pipe(
        map(resorts => new SearchResortsSuccess(resorts)),
        catchError(error => of(new SearchResortsFail(error)))
  • The search effect returns an Observable of an Action.
  • When the SearchResorts action is dispatched we invoke the search() method on the ResortService.
  • In the event that the HTTP request returns a 200 OK status we use the map() operator to return the SearchResultsSuccess action. The exhaustMap() operator returns the inner obsevable of the new action.
  • In the event that the HTTP request is not a 200 OK we catch the exception using the catchError() operator and return a new observable of() the SearchResortsFail action, specifying the error object.


Open the src/app/state/resort/resort.effects.spec.ts file.

Before we can test an effect we need to do a little setup for our tests using the beforeEach() method:

describe('ResortEffects', () => {
  let actions: Observable<any>;
  let effects: ResortEffects;
  let resortService: ResortService;

  beforeEach(() => {
      providers: [
          provide: ResortService,
          useValue: {}
        provideMockActions(() => actions)

    actions = TestBed.get(Actions);
    effects = TestBed.get(ResortEffects);
    resortService = TestBed.get(ResortService);
  • Define actions block scope variable within the describe callback function that is an Observable. This observable stream will represent the actions dispatched by the store.
  • Define resortService.
  • Provide the ResortEffects service dependency.
  • Provide the ResortService dependency and mock it out as an empty object.
  • Use the provideMockActions function and specify a factory function that returns the actions observable stream.
  • Use the TestBed.get() method to get the provided objects.


Test the closeDialogsOnSelect effect:

describe('closeDialogOnSelect', () => {
  it('should dispatch the CloseDialogs action', () => {
    const resort = generateResort();
    const action = new SelectResort(resort);
    const outcome = new CloseDialogs();

    actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
    const expected = cold('-a', { a: outcome });

  • Generate a fake Resort object using the generateResort() function.
  • Declare the action to that will be mocked: SelectResort, specifying the resort that is being selected.
  • Declare the outcome action that will be emitted by the closeDialogOnSelect effect.
  • Mock the hot() actions observable. After 10 frames the observable emits a next notification (represented by the 'a' character) whose value is the action.
  • The expected observable is a cold() observable that emits the outcome value after 10 frames.
  • Expect the closeDialogOnSelect effect to be the expected observable.

search Happy Path

Test the happy (or success) path:

describe('search', () => {
  it('should dispatch the SearchResortsSuccess action on success', () => {
    const q = 'Testing';
    const resorts = [generateResort()];
    const action = new SearchResorts(q);
    const outcome = new SearchResortsSuccess(resorts);

    actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
    const response = cold('-a|', { a: resorts });
    const expected = cold('--b', { b: outcome });
    resortService.search = jest.fn(() => response);

  • First we define a fake user query in the q constant.
  • Using the generateResort() function we declare an array of Resort objects.
  • Declare the action that we are testing, in this case the SearchResorts action, specifying the necessary constructor arguments.
  • Declare the outcome next notification action that the search observable should emit. In this case the outcome should be the SearchResortsSuccess action.
  • Mock the actions observable stream with a test hot() observable. The marble syntax mocks an observable that emits a next notification (represented by the 'a' character) after 10 frames (single dash). The value of the next notification (a) is the action we are testing.
  • Declare the response as a cold() observable. The marble syntax instructs the observable to mock 10 frames (a single dash) followed by a next notification (represented by the 'a' character) followed by a completion notification (the pipe character). The value of the next notification (a) is the resorts array.
  • Declare the expected observable stream with a test cold() observable. The marble syntac mocks an observable that is 30 frames in duration. 20 frames has passed before the next notification because the action observable specified 10 frames (one dash) before emitting the next notification, and the response observable also specified 10 frames before emitting the next notification. 10 + 10 = 20. Therefore, we expect that after 20 frames the outcome action will be emitted by the search effect.
  • Expect the search effect to be the expected observable using the toBeObservable() method.

search Failure Path

We also need to test the search effect's failure path:

describe('search', () => {
  it('should dispatch the SearchResortsFail action on failure', () => {
    const q = 'Testing';
    const error = new Error('Test Error');
    const action = new SearchResorts(q);
    const outcome = new SearchResortsFail(error);

    actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
    const response = cold('-#', {}, error);
    const expected = cold('--b', { b: outcome });
    resortService.search = jest.fn(() => response);

  • The failure path test is very similar to the happy path test.
  • Declare an error block scoped constant that is an Error object.
  • The outcome action is the SearchResortsFail action whose payload is an error.
  • The response observable emits an error notification (the hash symbol or pound sign) after 10 frames.

Execute Tests

Execute a test run via:

npm test
yarn test

You can also start the watch mode via:

npm run test:watch
yarn test:watch


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