Marble Testing
- Marble testing provide a simple way to describe observable streams.
- They can be used to model and test observables.
- They can also be used to model and test subscriptions.
- Uses a scheduler to provide timing.
- Timing is done frame-by-frame.
- Each character in a marble is 10 frames. A frame is a virtual "millisecond" or "clock cycle" of the scheduler.
Marble Diagram
Review a marble diagram:
- The first character is "zero frame".
- A dash "-" represents the passage of 10 frames.
- A pipe "|" indicates completion notification.
- A hash "#" indicates error notification.
- A carrot "^" indicates subscription point in a hot observable.
- Any other character indicates next notification.
Emit a value and complete:
- Two dashes "-" represents the passage of 20 frames.
- The letter "a" represents our first emitted value.
- A pipe "|" represents completion.
- The mocked cold observable is a total of 60 frames.
Emit a value and error:
- Two dashes "-" represent the passage of 20 frames.
- The letter "a" represents our first emitted value.
- A pipe "#" represents an error.
- The mocked cold observable is 60 frames.
Emit multiple values and complete:
- The letter "a" represents our first emitted value.
- The letter "b" represents our second emitted value.
- The observable is 80 frames.
Cold vs Hot
- A cold observable does not produce values until there is at least one subscriber until complete or all subscribers have unsubscribed.
- A hot observable produces values regardless of the subscribers.