Test Component

NgRx Testing

Test Component

Open the file src/app/containers/dashboard.component.spec.ts and create unit tests to assert:

  • The component should create.
  • The ngOnInit method should declare the mapZoom observable property.
  • The ngOnInit method should declare the resorts observable property.
  • The ngOnInit method should declare the selectedResort observable property.

Import StoreModule

First, we need to update the testing module to import the StoreModule:

beforeEach(async(() => {
    declarations: [DashboardComponent],
    imports: [NguiMapModule, StoreModule.forRoot(reducers), SharedModule]

Pro Tip: If you are testing a component that is part of a lazy loaded module and thus a lazy loaded top-level feature state then you will need to use the combineReducers() function to add the lazy loaded reducer functions.

Here is an example for importing the StoreModule in a lazy loaded feature state:

beforeEach(async(() => {
    declarations: [DashboardComponent],
    imports: [
        lazyLoadedFeature: combineReducers(lazyLoadedFeatureReducer)

Get Store Instance

With the StateModule imported, next let's get the Store singleton instance that is provided to the DashboardComponent via the injector:

describe('DashboardComponent', () => {
  // code omitted

  let store: Store<State>;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DashboardComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    store = TestBed.get(Store);
  • Define a block scope local store variable.
  • Set the store variable value using the TestBed.get() method.

It should create

Go ahead and run the tests to ensure that the DashboardComponent test is passing:

npm test
yarn test

You can also run a specific test using the -t option for jest via:

npm test -- -t dashboardcomponent
yarn test --- -t dashboardcomponent

Test ngOnInit

First, assert that the ngOnInit() method declares the mapZoom observable :

describe('ngOnInit', () => {
  it('should declare the mapZoom observable property', () => {
    const zoom = 5;
    const select = cold('-a', { a: zoom });
    const spy = jest.spyOn(store, 'pipe').mockReturnValue(select);



    component.mapZoom.subscribe(value => {
  • Declare a new zoom level number constant.
  • Create a cold test observable using the cold() function, specifying the marbles string and the values object. In this case the observable simply emits a value after 10 frames (or some time has passed). The value that is emitted is represented by the character 'a'. We define the value of 'a' as the new zoom level.
  • Create a spy on the pipe() method of the store and return the mocked select observable.
  • Invoke ngOnInit()
  • Expect that the spy has been called.
  • Expect that the mapZoom property is an observable using the toBeObservable() method (this comes from the jasmine-marbles module).
  • Subscribe to the mapZoom observable and expect the next notification value is the zoom value.

Next, assert that the ngOnInit() method declares the resorts property:

describe('ngOnInit', () => {
  it('should declare the resorts observable property', () => {
    const resorts = [generateResort()];
    const select = cold('-a', { a: resorts });
    const spy = jest.spyOn(store, 'pipe').mockReturnValue(select);



    component.resorts.subscribe(value => {
  • Use the generateResorts() method in src/app/models/resort.model.ts to generate a fake Resort object.
  • Declare an array of resort objects.
  • Create a cold test observable using the cold() function, specifying the marbles string and the values object. In this example the next notification value is the resorts array.
  • Create a spy on the the pipe() method and return the test observable.
  • Invoke ngOnInit()
  • Expect that the spy has been called.
  • Expect that the resorts property is an observable.
  • Subscribe to the resorts observable and expect the next notification value is the array of resorts.

Finally, assert that the ngOnInit() method declares the selectedResort property:

describe('ngOnInit', () => {
  it('should declare the selectedResort observable property', () => {
    const resort = generateResort();
    const select = cold('-a', { a: resort });
    const spy = jest.spyOn(store, 'pipe').mockReturnValue(select);



    component.selectedResort.subscribe(value => {

This should look very familar to our previous tests.


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